Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Registered for Bucktown 5K

So I lost track of the date of the Bucktown 5K and was just alerted that it is this Sunday. Figured I was feeling good and got a good 20 miler in last Sunday, so I pulled the trigger and signed up. I ran this last year in 24:26 and have to imagine I’m in better shape this year to shoot for a new PR.

Last night we did some track work.  2X3 miles with 1 mile recovery.  I worked in 8.5 miles total with the 3 mile pairs at an 8:10 pace.  I was very happy with the effort and seemed to get stronger as the night went by.  Ended the evening with a foot race against Dan for one lap.   We were cruising, but he had one extra burst and left me behind.  Next time, I’m making the first move and he is going down J

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